Welcome To The 1 year Self Mastery Mentorship Training:
In this 1 year Self Mastery Mentorship Mastery Program, you will unblock your true destiny, gifts and talents and be a benefit to other people. Every week you will get teachings to become aware of your true destiny, overcome unwanted patterns, blockages and old wounding programming from the past. Also you will get to do powerful exercises for deep self discovery and changing unwanted patterns in yourself.
First: you will get deep teachings around your true destiny and learn to unblock that part of you that knows all about your true destiny, your gifts and talents. You will become more and more aware of your own power, confidence and self esteem, your ability to create your own experiences and your hearts desires.
Second: you will come to a full understanding of your own childhood patterns and learn about the reptile brain survival mechanisms, emotional reactions and core wounds and how to solve them.
Third: you get deep work coaching mastery mentorship training, were you learn how to reinstall new programs in your own self so that you can act on new feelings, a new powerful identity and new habits. This means you will fix deep old wounding programming to experience confidence in your work and career instead of self-doubt, love in your intimate relationships instead off pain and freedom in your self expression instead of playing it safe
Fourth: you will learn the most effective coaching skills, real tools for change on how to help other people making these deep work changes aswel. You become a true gift for others, if you want. It will make you even better then a world class coach because you have made these changes in yourself first and then you can read, intuit and help other people much better.
Fifth: you will use your own potency field to re-imprint yourself with exactly the right information that you want so that you have to life that you want. You will have the experiences, the feelings and behaviors that you want.
Sixth: You will learn how to automatically have the right behaviors (actions) and identity , in every situation to fulfil your true hearts desires, live your true destiny and be a benefit to other people because you are now able to be such a person. Congratulations!
"Whatever programming you walk around with now is because you repeatedly experienced it in your own brain, that is why it became automatic and you might even started to identify with those patterns so that it became your self image"